Uncle's Corner

Si Uncle is an expression, a called to everybody in a more sensible manner (only true in Apin-Apin area.. Keningau maybe...) we respect and honor those name called after Uncle... applicable for both sex

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Location: Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia

Teaching since 1996, Have been discipled and tend to disciple others...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Dad why are they kissing?" How to explain to them...
We are living in a world that hold no borders anymore, our kids was bombarded with new doctrine of how to live this life, teenage are more prone on observing new culture that collide with our belief system. How do we helps such situation and protect our children from such rage and in the same time spare the way of life and nurture it trough the generations.
My son had that question on me times ago... I've tried my best being a father on this matter...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pets... How to treat them nice...

Just let them are as they were... adorable eeh? An ordinary kampung dog, captured during nap..

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Plants" makes your live richer as you gaze on it,
put your eyes on it,
admiring it
and ponder how it makes its day passed each days...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Do You Have Children?

How they makes our lives worth living...
Having them as yours... (by God grace, of course..) It is so amazingly indescribable... If you do then... first thing to have in mind... remembered how they growing up... Now, I hardly remember my first son when he was still a baby... Holding him as a new papa at that time was so unique, special, and Wow...! Having them on video maybe helps a lot, but loosing them in your memories is something to regret of... 10 to 20 years maybe... its still would happen, when they leave you as a grown up. Cherish them when you still could pinch them in their cheek or hug them or when they still can sit on your laps…

si uncle's... brother have seven (actually eight already) of them... the ninth is comming soon... this November!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Jurney into the Heart of Pensiangan

More Pictures..

Salarom means 'deep' in dusun language... It's really does, Salarom was enclave to the Taman Negara Sabah forest reserved (FMU title...). It situated in the deep forest of Pensiangan (Nabawan) District. There is no transport link since 1997.. except on foot and small 'sampan tukul' .. a boat of its kind...

They have move to the more accommodation friendly in Salarom Taka of Sapulut...

Friday, October 20, 2006

In two years, Keningau already have plenty to discuss about Kancil involved in accident.

I remember this song by Piton Gusaga
Sayang karita baru
Hancur macam karupuk
Sabab kau langgar pantat karabau…

But for this… Kancil being a ‘karupuk’ never makes its driver to the nearest hospital. Dr Mike know this…at least because he worked there.
They put it in a high gear, patch it with Mira,s turbo, imported from Japan but never upgrade its body metal works…” tatap karupuk juga!”
But… even Nissan Frontier the 2.5 litter turbo power engine “makan abuk!”

Remember if you are a kancil so better be a real kancil not those pelanduk that makes Melaka got its name.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

leadership... what is leadership?
We have a new leader in our organization, in his very first 'two' days, he started change what seems to be a 'traditions' and long unaware practiced that he says shouldn't be. I m amaze! But many of us feels uneasy, something we never have as a dessert for quite a time since the last boss we have.

But I like him... means to have a new boss, new management, new principle and... everything new. Something needed for a change and of course for a better outcome. I pray, that I could catch up with his.. what ever ways of 'leadership'..