Uncle's Corner

Si Uncle is an expression, a called to everybody in a more sensible manner (only true in Apin-Apin area.. Keningau maybe...) we respect and honor those name called after Uncle... applicable for both sex

My Photo
Location: Keningau, Sabah, Malaysia

Teaching since 1996, Have been discipled and tend to disciple others...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fossil In Sabah

I've captured this video on June 2008, in Pinangoh, Kinabatangan Sabah.

More on Youtube, please leave a comment on this findings!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Builder Building

It was my first experienced ever in building big and massive cost! Not really? Around 70 to 100 MR (Malaysian Ringgit). People are watching and putting their trust on you, others just sits and munching around but the worst (my feeling) was what really they have in their mind, expecting or just ignoring. My conclusion? Experience big and massive things from GOD, really a builder for my life of being His! (The picture is just a 'hiasan', the real one is in my memory)